Running with Squirrels

fostering dogs that need it most


Reese is pretty juiced that Spring is here!  He’s been working out indoors all winter getting ready to show off his kangaroo-like hopping ability …


Pretty impressive if you ask me.  I’m about 6 ft. tall and he clears my head no problem!  It’s even more amazing that this is from a sitting position, with a running start he can go much higher.  Not bad for a 70+ lbs. fat head!

He is trying to teach McMuffin the proper technique, but she prefers to hang out with her friend The Gnome and not bother herself with acrobatics.


must love snuggling

While there are tons and tons of reasons that we love McMuffin and are so happy we decided to bring her into our home as a foster pup, there is one particular trait that sticks out above the rest.  No matter what time of day, what other activities or distractions are present, sitting on the floor or on the couch, McMuffin ALWAYS wants to snuggle.  Not only does she want to snuggle, she also happens to be an expert at finding the optimum position.  Usually this position is beneficial for both the cuddler and cuddlee, however, we must admit there are times when she puts her wants ahead of yours and tries to lay across your face.  Unfortunately, we have yet to capture this in a photo … and actually it is surprisingly difficult to capture a snuggle with a camera, as it is usually just out of reach and who could disrupt this face …

So if anyone out there has a soft spot next to them just waiting to be occupied by a warm, cuddly, loving pittie … we’ve got your girl waiting right here with us.

In the mean time … we’re taking advantage of all the snuggle time we can get.


Spring is in the air

But McMuffin is still keeping an eye out for those evil cold winter days that try to sneak their way into the Spring sun bathing schedule …

Quick ... get me one of those drinks with a mini umbrella before it gets too chilly out here!

double dog walk in the park

When McMuffin first arrived at The Ranch it was clear that she needed some work learning how to properly walk on a leash.  She envisioned herself as a sled dog in training and wanted to use every opportunity to perfect her trade.  Unfortunately for her, foster mom and dad had no interest in preparing for the Iditarod.

Because her neck is fatter than her head, we figured out pretty quickly that a standard collar was too easy for her to back out of.  Our first attempt was to try a Martingale collar which served it’s purpose of keeping her from slipping out when walking on a leash, but was virtually useless in deterring pulling.  After speaking with a trainer and observing some other pups in obedience class, we gave the Freedom harness a try.  I have to say I was originally impressed with the design and sturdiness of the collar.  McMuffin liked the harness too … it had soft padding in all the right places and fit just right … perfect for Iditarod training!  Despite every effort to make the harness work, we just couldn’t get everyone on the same page.  Not every tool works for every dog and all dogs are different, so please don’t take this to mean you shouldn’t try the Freedom harness for your perfect pups in training …

Next up, the gentle leader head collar.  We followed the directions to properly introduce McMuffin to the strange feeling of the collar and totally lucked out that she had no objections to it.  While she still pulls a little bit here and there (especially when there are fun distractions like other dogs around), we have found it to be a great tool to help us get closer to loose leash walking with a Martingale collar (the ultimate goal).  One thing we did notice was that the strap that goes across her nose was rubbing off the fur under her eyes.  A few minutes on Google and off we went to CVS to pick up some moleskin to minimize the skin rubbing.  $1.75 later, her hair has completely grown back and we have no more uncomfortable rubbing!

But what is the best part about finding a tool that allows us to take “non-training mode” walks while still discouraging dog sled pulling behavior … being able to walk two dogs at the same time!

one hand!

It’s really been a pleasure to take them out together.  Additionally, it has helped McMuffin start to learn how to chill when other dogs are walking by because Reese emits his chill-out-dude-other-dogs-walking-by-ain’t-no-thang vibes.

Welcome to our block!

Grandma Guestpost: Reese’s thoughts on a special kind of love

First of all, let me tell you the best part … my Grandma loves me … a lot.  She let me up on the furniture and gave me tasty treats long before Dad allowed it, and even lets me sleep on the bed with her and Grandpa when I stay at their house.  Grandpa sometimes even moves to the couch if he thinks ‘I’ need more room!  Grandpa loves me too, and laughs when he wrestles with me on the floor … he’s pretty strong for an old guy!  Grandma buys the best toys, and also introduced me to the best game in the world … squirt the hose!  Even when Dad says, “don’t let him get all wet before we get in the car …”, Grandma sees the disappointment on my face and gives me an extra couple of squirts.

Grandma likes to work in her garden, and even though I like to dig in the dirt too, Grandma prefers that I sit on her front porch with the flowers.  That’s me and Sam.  Grandma can’t take the Christmas garland down because there are little birds nesting in it … I’m not allowed to bark at them.

Sam’s in heaven now, but we all remember her with a smile … she got in lots of trouble!

Grandma recently adopted Gracie, and she’s pretty cool too, but she doesn’t play much.  She’s happy just cuddling in her new forever home.

I know that if I’m patient while Grandma digs in the dirt, she will throw red ball for me in the back yard, and finish it off with a game of ‘squirt the hose’.

I have my own pool too, and Grandma throws my bone in there because she likes it when I blow bubbles!

Then it’s into the house for a nice rub down with a soft towel, and onto the couch for a happy nap.

In the winter, Grandma bundles me up in her favorite scarf …

and on especially chilly days, she makes a bed for me by the radiator with her favorite quilt.

So, that’s life at Grandma’s house … pretty sweet, huh?  Could life get any better than this?   I’m glad you asked, because “YES, it CAN!”  You see, I have two wonderful grandmas, and two wonderful grandpas, and they ALL love me the best … I know that because it says so on the tag Grandma gave me … see?


I’m watching you …

Ever get that feeling that someone is watching you?  I don’t understand how it works but every once in a while, when you think you are all alone, you get that strange sensation that something is out there …

I experienced that very sensation the other day out in the yard, as I gathered some sticks that had fallen after some heavy winds.  Certain that I was the only one outside, I continued to collect sticks but for some reason just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched … and then I realized why …

The founder and CEO of the Pittie Stick Chompin’ Crew was supervising my handiwork.  At first he tried to pretend he was minding his own business …

But I caught him sneaking a glance once in a while to make sure he knew where I was hiding all of this favorite “yard bones” …

Stay tuned later in the week for a guest post featuring Foster Grandma and her adventures in pittie day care!


Moo Cow

McMuffin appears to have a bit of cow in her DNA.  While at first glance you might guess that we came to this conclusion based on her black and white fur … however, I can assure you, there is another hint that is far more obvious.  McMuffin loves to eat grass.  Seriously, McMuffin LOVES to eat grass.

mmmmmm .... fence grass

mmmmm ... gnome tree grass

mmmm ... deck grass

mmmmm .... garden grass

She really sees no downside to spending the day chewing the cud.  It’s delicious and low calorie.

That is, until you accidentally eat a stink bug!

Awww dude ... what the heck was that?!?

Wheelbarrow Spaceship

First, I’ll start out with a little aside.  Why is it spelled “wheelbarrow” when everyone calls it a wheelbarrel?  Be honest, how many of you had no idea it was spelled “wheelbarrow” and we all just pronounce it incorrectly.  Just me … well then now I feel stupid (and I also don’t believe you all knew it)!  Moving on …

So the weather was beautiful this past Monday and I decided to get a head start on prepping the yard for Spring.  Not too much work to be done, but there were a ton of sticks all over the place (carefully dissected into a million little pieces by my Pittie Stick Chompin’ Crew) and some dirt to be moved.  As I gathered my tools to dig in, I noticed a strange absence around me.  Usually when I am out in the yard the pups are by my side, hoping a few treats will magically fall out of my pocket when I am bending and leaning.  At that moment, however, it was just me all alone.  Strange.

Well, it didn’t take long to find the two space cowboys off on their own adventure.

YEEEEEHAWWW ... check this thing out brudder!

“Where do you think the Kong dispenser button is?  I mean … something this awesome DEFINITELY has a built-in Kong dispenser, right?!?”

“Hold on, hold on … I think I see it!”

“Come on sisser … you are waaaayyyy to slow.  Let me in there so I can fly this thing!”

“Yeah right … you don’t know how to fly this spaceship.”

“Wanna bet … look at these ears … I can fly anything with these Dumbo wings!”

And so went on the amazing Wheelbarrow Spaceship Adventure.  It reminded me of little kids that end up playing with the cardboard boxes that all the expensive toys came in rather than the toys themselves.  These little dudes have like 25 Kongs, 13 Jolly Balls, an infinite number of Nylabones, lacrosse balls, Chuck It balls, tug toys, and all they want to do is fly to the moon in their wheelbarrelbarrow!

dogs make our lives better

It’s been especially hectic here at The Ranch the past few days, with foster mom away at a conference and foster dad trying to juggle a few too many work/school/house/life projects.  Fortunately, the weekend came just in time and things slowly clicked back to the normal routine.

When I walked down the hall to get my cup of coffee, Reese and McMuffin had assumed their traditional morning positions.  Suddenly, I had a strong urge to join them for a little peaceful morning relaxation.  Rather than rushing off to the kitchen to get the day going, I took a plop down on the stairs and sat in the sun … not thinking about anything.

Alright if I toast my buns in the February sun with you for a minute, baby girl?

Nothing would make me happier foster dad ...

At moments like this, when everything is going 100 mph and you can feel the stress levels rising, there is nothing better than taking a little mental vacation to doggie daydream land.  And the great thing about it is it’s a two way street, because not only do I benefit from some much-needed relaxation … but I can assure you the only thing McMuffin likes more than a morning sun bath, is a morning sun bath with a little head scratch.

Foster Mom’s 5 Favorite Things About McMuffin

Foster Dad and I like to list our favorite things about Reese and McMuffin and are constantly finding new endearing traits. So here are my top 5 favorite things about McMuffin:

#5 … she has cute white paws and her toenails alternate white/black/white/black:

#4 … she tilts her head up and barks  talks to you when she’s excited for breakfast and when you get ready to take her for a walk.  It’s more of a raspy howl than a bark … and sometimes it has a hint of wookie.

#3 … she sits right next to me for “girl time” when I dry my hair in the mornings … I also think she likes the warmth of the hair dryer.  It’s similar to her love of sitting next to the heating vent when the furnace kicks on.

#2 … she loves her foster brother Reese and cuddles with him every chance she gets.

#1 … she is by far … hands down … the ULTIMATE cuddle bug! I’m telling you, this girl is a professional.  She’ll nuzzle next to you and it’s hard to ever want to get up from that spot!

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